Μέλη φυλής: Assassin Of Death, squeez, alexandrosk, minaras11, VARANE, ΠΕΤΡΟΜΠΕΗΣ, fillip12, maka, alexisge, Noobaki, Gerosss, nicko123, dim4000, RyzeGod, Catler, Dead winner, ErlKonig, SilenceKappa, Ο πεπες ο κουπεπες, theristis7, dett-LoL.excon*, rironios, PhantomTroupe, Rollo, Profiterol, elli65, alexzrv, dhmhtrhsgr, dak1982, MortisHyper, ΘΟΔΩΡΗΣ, ΚΑΣΤΡΟΜΑΧΗΤΗΣ, Rubee, Captainhooke, kouspos, goal66, pandes, MrCrow, KIROOMO, The Optimus Prime